
Thursday, October 4, 2012

A lovely review from a very special guest!!


Hi there! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jen of Jen's Nail Files on Facebook. The wonderful Angel has wragled me into doing a guest post for you today.Now Keep in mind I am NOT a blogger, so it's taken a week for me to write up what I'm suppose to say. :) I hope it doesn't drive you all away! :)
What I have for you today is my favorite finish, a holo!! :) 
Here is the beautiful Nubar Reclaim. I bought this on Amazon but you can find it on ebay and other e-tailers as well. Nubar Reclaim is a green linear holo.
All the pics show 2 coats with Seche Vite on top.

(taken outdoors in the shade, please excuse the little fuzzy on my pointer)

 Even in the shade you can see a little bit of rainbow!

 And now for the rainbow goodness of sunlight...
Now, just doing a holo is pretty wonderful, but this is my FIRST EVER blog post, so I had to do more!  How about a holo accent nail?  What's the best possible holo?? 

You guessed it - China Glaze OMG!!  This is the best silver holo I own.  And want to talk about opaque?  This is OVER the Nubar!  Two coats and perfection.

But wait... I can't just stop there and leave ya hanging, can I?  No art?  No fun?  That's not me. :)  I bought some decals from Inspired Nails.  Cute little full nail decals with koala bears on them.  The greens went nicely together so why not?
The instructions say to put decal over white or light shimmer.  Holo is a shimmer, right? :)  Guess again!  It did work, but the holo kind of took over and overwhelmed the decal.  Still cute but I will definitely do it over a creme next time.

As you can see, the koala bear kind of disappears which is really too bad because it's a darling image!

So, learn from my mistakes, do NOT put water decals over holos - unless that's the look you're going for, obviously. :)

You can get these decals and SO many more designs at and check out their facebook at

Thank you for sticking with me all the way down to here!  I love you all! :)  As I part, here's a pic of the little guy who was supervising all the pics I took for this post. :)
Thanks again and happy polishing!!


Jen's Nail Files
Isn't she the cutest?!?! I love this woman!
 I practically had to twist her arm to get her to do this post lol!!
So what do you all think? Go show her some love on her Facebook page if you haven't yet!


  1. I follow her facebook already, & I think she'd make a wonderful blogger =)
